torsdag 4 februari 2010

Skywatch Friday #30

Another sunset from this winter. The sun set at one side and this is how the sky looked when you turned 180 degrees and watched.

More skies at Skywatch Friday!

7 kommentarer:

elvira pajarola sa...

Magic indeed......these three different trees...and the blue-red-viola light!
ciao elvira

Artlover sa...

Åhh, vilka härliga färger. Jag sitter här och smälter trots att det ser kylslaget ut:-)

BP sa...

En helt fantastisk bild. Hur fick du till de där underbara färgerna. Håller med Artlover.

Sylvia K sa...

Gorgeous capture, fantastic colors! Love the variety of trees silhouetted against the sky! Great composition! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


Magdalena sa...

Så underbara färger som du fångade i din bild helt fantastikt:)

overtiredmum sa...

Purple sky - wow. Must remember to turn around in the future! xo

Kcalpesh sa...

Fantastic colors!

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