Helt normal har jag nog aldrig varit, tack och lov!
Mamma till sex barn, tre som numera räknas som vuxna. Bonusmamma till en go grabb. Sambo med världens underbaraste, tokiga älskling, snart mormor och kattägd av två lika onormala individer som resten av kaosfamiljen.
Välkomna till mitt älskade Kaos!
The fishscale-like structure makes a very interesting photo, in stark contrast or in monochrome. Does it have a function on the farm, or is it decoration? Three Rivers Daily Photo
7 kommentarer:
this is amazing. i havent seen anything like it before
Jeg likte også det første bildet best. Flotte kontraster!
The fishscale-like structure makes a very interesting photo, in stark contrast or in monochrome. Does it have a function on the farm, or is it decoration?
Three Rivers Daily Photo
I guess it's just decoration. It's a strange thing anyway, that had me thinking of a chopped hen. Ehrm... Well, I do have lively imagination.
I like the first one better as well. I feel the extra contrast gives strength. Amazing structure. I can see what you mean about a hen ;)
Ja, jeg må si at det første bildet er best. Artig fenomen:)
Petunia Norway
Agreed. The first one is so much stronger with the high contrast.
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