This is my first time in All About Kids so I'm going to start with a little presentation of my family.
I have six kids:
RQ - My oldest daughter, soon to be a teenanger and acting like that too.
Dödskallen - My oldest son, as wild as a ten years old boy can be. Loves fighting with his older sister and tease his younger brothers. (His name Dödskallen means Scull, and he want me to call him that in my blog)
Puddeludding - My second son that will turn six in just two month (they grows up too fast). He is in that age when everything has to be turned inside out and examined in smallest detail. I mean everything from socks to how life works and dealing with what death is.
Snotti - My third son is four and a couple of month. He asks about everything and screams a lot at the moment, anoying his older siblings.
Snufflan - My little princess, daughter number two, acting like a teenanger too even though she's just two years old.
Goding - My fourth son and my little baby. Soon to turn six month. He is happy with life, smiling and "talking". My little sunshine.
Maybe you'll learn more about us the nextcoming tuesdays. =)
Vilka helt underbara beskrivningar av barnen :-) När jag såg konstverken så började jag fundera på om du inte dragit av tio år på barnens åldrar, jisses de är ju genier. Fast jag börjar ana, gener!!! Jag har inte tänkt så noga på din header när jag varit här förut men den är ju så fin din teckning. Och aha, där står det ju, geni, visste väl det, hela bunten :-)
SvaraRaderaÅh nämen plutten! Uppdaterade sidan innan jag skulle lägga in kommentaren och det dök upp en tårtätare, vilken underbara grimas!